07/01/2007 05:26:28 by Administrator
This year's adventure sent the Rear Admiral and SeeMore to Michigan. Because of commitments, we were unable to bicycle the Upper Peninsula. Another time will have to be planned. We did get to spend time with Noel's Mom and Dad, so it was a GRAND time in Grand Rapids. We even rode on a couple of bicycle paths...in between museums and site seeing.
Posted in Michigan |
07/22/2007 03:51:11 by Administrator
From: Greenville, Michigan
To: Edmore, Michigan
Mileage: 35

The Fred Meijer Heartland Trail is located in lovely, rural Montcalm and Gratiot Counties, in the heart of central Michigan. The trail winds its way north through farmland and wooded State Game areas, taking the traveler through the picturesque towns of Greenville, Sidney, Stanton, McBride, and Edmore. At Edmore, the trail turns east and leads through Cedar Lake and Vestaburg, entering Gratiot County where the trail goes through Riverdale and ends 2.5 miles east at Bliss Road. Along its length, it crosses several creeks and one river. Of particular interest, south of Stanton, is the 120-year-old historic bridge that spans Fish Creek.
The Heartland Trail (as it was known in the late 80?s) is paved for about 15 miles (starting near Greenville) and turns into packed dirt northeast of McBride. SeeMore tried to continue onto the non paved trail, but made it only a couple of miles because the trail was too soft. It was very quiet, and there was parking and some port-a-johns. It was a real pleasure to ride, and if you are in the area...we highly recommend enjoying it. The beginning of the trail (near Greenville) was a little hard to find, and there is limited parking.

Posted in Michigan |
07/23/2007 03:51:11 by Administrator
From: South Haven, Michigan
To: Edmore, Michigan
Mileage: 41

The Michigan has a jewel, in the Kal-Haven trail! The trail is a 33.5 mile trail with end points in Kalamazoo and South Haven, a Lake Michigan resort area.
This is the second time that I have ridden the trail, but the first time for the Rear Admiral. Before SeeMore and Clyde I rode a Schwinn hybrid single bike, named The Black Widow. She was aptly named because when I wasn't being a husband, father, and provider, I was with the Black Widow. So the last time I rode this gem, I was alone while the Rear Admiral watched the kids.
This is a beautiful trail. Much of it is wooded with abundant wildlife. There are picnic tables at some of the trail heads. And this trail even comes with a covered bridge! The trail is hard packed for easy cycling. In places you feel like your in a tunnel with the trees all around you and over head. There is a beautiful lake just west of Berlamont, and you pass many farms and fields. Again, if you are in the area, this is a must ride. The Kalamazoo trail head is on 10th Street north of Highway 43 just west of Kalamazoo. The South Haven trail head is on the Black River just off Highway A2.
Both photos were taken the day before when we visited the Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculputres, a must stop when you visit Grand Rapids.

Posted in Michigan |
01/01/2008 03:42:20 by Administrator
Starting to plan of our next cycling adventure with SeeMore. We are still in the planning stage, so this entry will be updated. We plan to start in Edmonton Alberta near the end of June. Here is what is in store:
NORTH TO SOUTH TOUR (Adventure Cycling's Great Park Tour + more!)
The Canadian parks, with their wide road shoulders, provide excellent cycling conditions, though motorist traffic during the tourist season is heavy. Jasper, Alberta, a busy tourist center in the heart of Jasper National Park, is one of the five Canadian Parks the route traverses. Almost immediately after leaving town, we will be treated by scenery: glacial lakes, dramatic waterfalls, piercingly steep mountains covered with glaciers, and a tremendous variety of wildlife. Stops will be frequent just to marvel at the beauty. As we head south over several passes through the parks, we will take the time to go to Lake Louise and Banff. After 230 miles of amazing vistas, we'll leave Kootenay National Park and descend steeply into the town of Radium Hot Springs, stopping for an enjoyable soak in the soothing hot mineral pools. From Radium Hot Springs southward to Elko, the western side of the Rockies will find us following the Columbia and Kootenay river systems. At Elko, the route turns east over the Continental Divide through a series of small mining communities (Fernie and Sparwood which we visited in 2006). Then we will stay, again, in Waterton Lakes National Park. After the border crossing into the United States at Chief Mountain we will enter Glacier National Park in Montana, hopefully crossing the Divide back to the western side on the spectacular Going-to-the-Sun Highway. We missed Going-to-the-Sun Highway on our 2006 tour because of forest fires, so hopefully we will be successful this time. Then our route mainly follows river valleys bracketed by mountain ranges all the way into Missoula.
After Missoula, we will be cycling through the small Montana towns of Stevensville, Hamilon, Darby, Wisdom, Jackson, Dillion, Sheridan, Virginia City and Ennis. until we come to Yellowstone National Park.
After Yellowstone, we visit the Grand Tetons, then continue cycling towards Rawlings Wyoming. We will enter Colorado on Route 125, which will lead us to Walden Colorado, then Route 14; where we will find open grazing land and national forest lands heading into Kremmling. There is heavy summer tourist activity from Hot Sulpher Springs to Granby, the southern entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. Next, Estes Park to Georgetown - this area is the playground for surrounding communities on the Front Range.
We also might try Mt. Evans Auto Road which is the highest paved road in the United States.
After Mt. Evans we will head towards Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. South of Fairplay, the route becomes more rural and traverses the high, open land of South Park. After crossing Trout Creek Pass, the route drops into the Arkansas River Valley near Buena Vista. The western slope of the Colorado Rocky Mountains is old mining country, from Salida all the way into Durango. Around Dolores, the mountains give way to the dry, open Four Corners region, highlighted by Mesa Verde National Park. Durango is the southern terminus of the historic Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, the only remaining regularly scheduled narrow-gauge passenger train.
.....then turn south down the west side of New Mexico and finishing in Mexico in search for that ultimate margarita.
Posted in North to South Tour |
06/25/2008 04:37:13 by Administrator
From: Leduc, Alberta
To: Leduc, Alberta
Mileage: 0

We first want to say some "Thank You"s, we have done them in person, but we hope that mentioning here, were anyone and everyone can read them would a little bit more importance to them.
We would like to thank DECCO (the Rear Admiral's company) for yet again letting her escape for a couple of months. We would like thank Katelyn for watching the house and the cat during the summer, and hope you get a lot more backpacking in before returning to school. We would like to thank the Nadeau's for giving Sammy a summer at the lake. We would like to thank Ted Wojcik for SeeMore's operation. SeeMore is better than ever, thanks to the skilled hands of Ted. We would like to thank Bob at Souhegan Cycle Works who packed SeeMore into one box, just an incredible job! Finally we would like to thank Noel's new school Memorial Elementary in Bedford for the new adventure that awaits him, and for understanding about our trip.
I need to finally thank all of my friends (both retired and active) for 11 enjoyable years at Milford Elementary. I have been truly blessed, and I will be indebted to you for the rest of my life. The multitude of cards, gifts, letters, hugs and we wishes really humbles a person. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
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Bad Omens?
- Looking at your departure screen at the airport, and your flight is NOT listed.
- Getting to the gate, and your flight shows delayed, but the counter person says it isn't true.
- Reading the headlines in USA today, announcing that your airline - United has just announced major layoffs.
- Finally seated in the airplane, only to be stranded for 2 hours while they try to fix the commode.
- Having a bad head cold, and the last 25 minutes of BOTH flights reduce your hearing to zero in the right ear, and 10 percent in the left.
- Arriving at Edmonton airport, and watching all the other passengers walk away with their luggage while you can't find your back pack containing tools, tent, sleeping bags etc.
Since we don't believe in bad omens, Everything happens for the best... We are staying at the Budget Western hotel where the manager has been very kind to us, her husband lent us his tools to put SeeMore back together while we waited (our tools are in Bertha our large backpack). The manager of the Budget Western held a room for us tonight just in case we didn't get the rest of our stuff from the airlines. We've had a quiet day reading and building SeeMore and test riding.
We finally received (got word) that around 5 pm the airline found Bertha the MIA backpack, the hotel shuttled Mary back to the airport to pick it up and were able to finish the last finishing touches to make SeeMore whole again. We decided to stay in Leduc for one more night, seeing that is was 6:00 p.m., when our lost backpack, Bertha, finally walked through the hotel door.
All in all were off to a pretty good start thanks to all of our support.
Posted in North to South Tour |
06/26/2008 13:06:03 by Administrator
From: Leduc, Alberta
To: Kapasiwin, Alberta
Mileage: 64

We are here in Way Cup Internet Cafe in beautiful downtown Wabamun Alberta. We are currently fighting over a piece of delicious cherry pie and a piece of evil chocolate cake. Don't worry Mom, we had our dinner first...some homemade pepper soup! If you're in Wabamun, stop here and treat yourself!
We fought the Edmonton suburban traffic this morning, snaking our way from Leduc to Devon, then finally into Stony Plain. Most of the country side was small farms, and this part of Alberta reminds us of Northern Illinois The weather person forecasted rain starting at 9:00 a.m., and concluding at 5:00 p.m. So we headed to Devon first, and with no rain in sight, we then travelled to Stony Plain.
Stony Plain is a nice small community off of the old Yellowhead (Rte 16a) Highway It was only about 10:30 so after a stop at the visitor center and a couple of egger sandwiches at the A&W we on the road again.
Following Route 16 the Yellowhead highway is not too bad. It is busy with traffic but we have a nice wide shoulder. We're starting to get into rolling hills. The skies have been gray and threatening but so far no rain, the temperatures hung around 50 today. Tonight we will camp at Wabamun Lake Provincial Park. The park ranger came out and took a shining to SeeMore. Told SeeMore that he was such a good boy, he needed a free night stay on Alberta! It will be a free but cold night!
There really was no Kodak moments today. We saw Red-tail hawks, Deer, Magpies, Prairie Dogs, the ever present Redwing blackbird, and a fox. We will be following the Yellowhead Highway all the way to Jasper.

Posted in North to South Tour |
06/27/2008 13:00:00 by Administrator
From: Kapasiwin, Alberta
To: Nojack Provincial Park, Alberta
Today: 56 miles - 120 miles total
Alberta is the Wild Rose Province, hence the below photo. We traveled on the Yellowhead Highway (Rte 16) all day today. No really "Kodak Moments" to tell you about. Traveling the Yellowhead Highway is like traveling the New York Thruway, from Albany to Rochester. Mostly straight, but some rolling hills to keep you legs from falling asleep.
We had a rather rain filled evening last night, but it didn't bother me one bit. Give me a tent, and the great outdoors...stand back and watch me sleep. I think it was 7:30 when I began concentrating on the insides of my eyelids. The Rear Admiral slept good also despite my snoring and the fact that tent camping is not her forte. You have to remember that the sun doesn't set in this part of Alberta until around 11:00. SO the sunlight doesn't even effect me, when I am in a tent.
This morning, we decamped and rode into Wabamun for breakfast at the town diner. We were the first customers, at 6:45. Mary order her lumberjack special (two eggs, 4 bacon, 1 pancake...hold the hash browns the tour is in it's early stages); and my usual of pancakes with peanut butter. Note: If you're camping at the Park, there is a back entrance/exit (that you can either ride or hike) so you do not have to go all the way back out to the Yellowhead Hwy and down to the next exit.
A savings of about 3 miles.
We visited two towns off of the Yellowhead today, Entwistle and Wildwood. Both have small populations ( 400, maybe) but both are full of life and activity. We spent more time in Wildwood, visiting the Library (we were offered a piece of Cake, Ruth's retiring today!) and Community Hall (Farmer's Market today, 11:30 till 2:00!). We also had lunch (Donairs - Canadian Gyros) at the Wildwood town park.
Not much else, riding on the Yellowhead might be noisy, not very scenic; but it is a true blessing in disguise. We need these days to get our touring legs and bodies back before we hit the Canadian Rockies. We also are very close to Canada's Independence Day (July 1). This year it falls on a Tuesday, so most people are taking a long weekend, or beginning their vacation on this weekend. High gas prices or not, Jasper will be very crowded the next 4 days. Hopefully we will arrive at the end of it.

Posted in North to South Tour |