25th Anniversary Tour - Day 33
07/19/2006 08:12:09 by AdministratorFrom: Devils Lake, North Dakota
To: Rugby, North Dakota
Mileage: 63
Hello from the geographical center of North America, Rugby North Dakota! We rode Route 2 today, the whole time (except our riding around in beautiful downtown Rugby). This part of Route 2 is a 4 lane divided highway, but there is plenty of shoulder and truly very little traffic (for a 4 lane).
Today we saw a new bird, the yellow-headed blackbird, and we are beginning to see fields of yellow canola and blue flax.
We had a strong headwind (notice the flags in the bottom photo), which became stronger as morning turned to afternoon. Again, tough mentally but physically we did just fine. Let's face it, if you're riding in North or South Dakota, you going to have wind so you better deal with it. Even with the wind, the barely busy road; we had a great ride today!