North to South Tour - Day 38
08/01/2008 13:00:00 by AdministratorFrom: Granby, Colorado
To: Winter Park, Colorado
Today: 22 miles - 2119 miles total
The photos are from yesterday.
Short cycling day today because we are setting up for Berthoud Pass (11,315 feet). Rte 40 is very busy (but not as busy as going through Estes Park), so we are hoping to get an early start tomorrow..coupled with it being Saturday...we are hoping to make a quieter mountain pass. We are in Winter Park which is proclaimed as the Mountain BIking capital. There are A LOT of mountain bikes and road bikes. However, there is only one orange colored recumbent SeeMore is attracting another fan base. Maybe we should start charging Rans a commission!
We are going to walk downtown, eat pizza, do laundry, get the Rear Admiral's retail fix cured, and basically be bums. We are living large at the Viking hotel and BIKE SHOP....we are in cyclist paridise again. Now if Rte 40 would just quiet down!